Molly Bee Welkin and Bob Littlewood perform in "Bedside Manners," written by Lin McNulty in the 2009 PlayFest.

Locally written, short plays will again be featured at the Fifth Annual Play Festival in May.  Director Doug Bechtel of the Orcas Actors Theater says, “Whether you are a seasoned playwright or someone with no experience, The Actors Theater would love to see your work.”

But better sharpen your pencils and get to work, as the deadline for submissions is February 28.  All submitted scripts will be reviewed by a panel of experienced local playwrights.  Rehearsals for the plays selected typically begin in early April.  Guidelines and samples of quality plays can be obtained by contacting Ron Herman at or by phone at 831-234-4960.

This small but intimate theater has an ever growing following at the “10 Minute Play Fest” mounts the stage during the first two weekends in May.  Co-founder Doug Bechtel says “I have been totally blown away by the community’s reception of the plays presented. The Play Fest is clearly one of the favorite productions we do each year. The first year our schedule conflicted with the Choral Society’s Spring Concert. We moved our performances to the first weekend in May and our attendance really took off.”

At the Fest’s first year, Bechtel and Sandy Thompson produced seven original plays with a call to all who had any interest in putting the production together. Last year, seven plays were produced, all written, directed and acted by local Orcas Island talent.

In addition to giving many actors their initial stage experience, Sandy sees the event as an “opportunity for Orcas writers.”  She goes on to say the Play Fest “Supplies the precious experience of having one’s work staged in a supportive environment.”

This milestone 5th Anniversary 10 Minute Play Fest is being coordinated by local writer and actor, Ron Herman. Ron says “Although we are now calling for scripts from Orcas Island writers, we also encourage any potential actor, director, stage hand or tech person to contact us. No experience required.”

Ron can be reached at or by phone at 831-234-4960.