— by Lin McNulty, Managing Editor —

Perhaps tonight’s time-switch is more of a blessing than usual. Who couldn’t use an extra hour of sleep to escape current events?

On Sunday morning, at 2 a.m., clocks will turn back one hour to 1 a.m. If you work it right, you won’t even be aware of the change. That is, until you wake up and spend the next two to five days being late or early or confused because who wants to change the clock in the car. If you leave it alone, it will be right again in the Spring.

This preposterous concept of resetting clocks forward an hour in the Spring and back an hour in the Fall was first suggested by Benjamin Franklin in his essay in April 1784. Franklin is otherwise known for some fairly intelligent ideas.

There have been numerous attempts at stopping, and then restarting this practice over the years. But right now, in this State, it’s where we are.

Sleep through it, I say.