Independent bookstores join together to collect books for kids in need

Visit Darvill’s  independent book store and give a book to a child in need!

From now until June 8, Darvill’s, along with 23 independent book stores across Washington Washington State will host the Books for Kids Book Drive. The book drive is sponsored by Page Ahead Children’s Literacy Program and Northwest Book Lovers.

Bookstores will offer their customers the opportunity to purchase a new children’s book to donate to a child in need.

Books collected during the drive will be distributed to children in need by Page Ahead. Page Ahead partners with preschools, Head Start programs, elementary schools, libraries, and social service programs to identify children in need and give away books.

Darvill’s owner Jenny Pederson says, “Darvill’s Bookstore thanks everyone for helping to get books into kids’ hands. Reading real books is an age-old past-time and an essential resource for today’s children.”