Eileen Dey author of Touching the World Through Reiki will give a talk and book signing at Darville’s Bookstore on Sunday, March 6 from 3 to 4 p.m.

Touching the World Through Reiki is a “river guide” for Reiki practitioners and teachers as well as those who want to live in the flow of Universal Life Force Energy. The author and Reiki master and licensed mental health counselor, Eileen Dey, M.A., LMHC  will give you five empowering and enlightening tools for individual and global transformation as you journey further on your Reiki path.

Learn how to take Reiki mainstream, to touch the world and, ultimately, to benefit the whole planet.   Eileen describes how she is creating a standard for Reiki training, having established the only state certified school of Reiki,  bringing the healing modality to veterans suffering from PTSD, using Reiki to help the environment and even bringing it into entertainment and acting communities as well as mainstream health care

Everyone welcome. Questions call 376-2135.