Friday, February 26

Creative Writing Workshop with writer/teacher/naturalist Susan Zwinger from 6:30 to 8:40 p.m. Continues Saturday, February 27th, 9:00-5:00 at the home of Winnie Adams.Cost: $60, for more information, call Winnie at 376-4656

Jump Time 2012 Discussion at West Sound Community Hall at 7:30 p.m. Join Shantparv Rolloff, Herlwyn Lutz, Marshal Bliss, Dustin Fox, and Samara Shaw for a panel discussion on the meaning and significance of these times leading up to 2012.  Herlwyn Lutz will bring both ancient and modern perspectives. Marshal Bliss will share from a Lakota perspective and Shantparv Roloff from the perspective of the Mayan Calendar. Dustin Fox and Samara Shaw provide enlightened entertainment. For information call 376-6771 9r email The event is free; donations are welcome.

Global Dance Party Workshop — As part of the Orcas Arts Education Project, which currently provides dance education to all public school students in grades K-8, two of the Global Dance Party performers will teach in the schools.

Hiphop will be taught to students in grades 5-8, and African step dance will be taught to students in grades 3 and 4. Each elementary and middle school student participating will be eligible to receive one free ticket to one of the Saturday shows.

The visiting teaching artists will also teach classes on Friday evening for teens and adults: hiphop at 5:30 p.m. and African step at 6:30 p.m. for teens and adults. The fee is $10 per class or $15 for both classes.

“Noises Off” presented by the Actors Theater at the Grange. Considered by many to be the best farce written in the past hundred years, “Noises Off” features a cast of locals and is directed by Doug Bechtel.  Through Sunday, Feb. 28.  Tickets are $10 at Darvill’s and at the door.  All performances start at 7:30 pm. Call Doug Bechtel at 317-5601.

Saturday, Feb. 27

The Off-Islanders will give another public performances at Doe Bay this Saturday night at 7

Off Islanders Improv Group performs at Doe Bay Resort (Yoga Studio) at 7 p.m. Tickets are $1, children $.50 –376-2291.

Global Dance Party – two performances at the Orcas Center, 6 p.m.? and 8 p.m.  Tickets are $17, $13 for Orcas Center members and $9 for students. Tickets may be purchased at or in person or over the phone during regular box office hours: Thursday-Saturday, noon-4 pm. 376-2281 ext.1.

“Noises Off” presented by the Actors Theater at the Grange. Considered by many to be the best farce written in the past hundred years, “Noises Off” features a cast of locals and is directed by Doug Bechtel.  Through Sunday, Feb. 28.  Tickets are $10 at Darvill’s and at the door.  All performances start at 7:30 pm. Call Doug Bechtel at 317-5601.

Sunday, Feb. 28

“Noises Off” presented by the Actors Theater at the Grange. Considered by many to be the best farce written in the past hundred years, “Noises Off” features a cast of locals and is directed by Doug Bechtel.  Final performance tonight.  Tickets are $10 at Darvill’s and at the door.  All performances start at 7:30 pm. Call Doug Bechtel at 317-5601.