Dance Students Darby Wright, Ethan Myles-Era, (standing) , Saydie Larson, Max Clark-Matilla, Sydney Johnson and Cameryn Thompson (kneeling) rehearse their "Sculpture" dance for the April 1 performance at the Orcas Center. The 3rd -graders are some of Jean Henigson's dance students.

This Friday, April 1, a reception at Orcas Center will open the month-long exhibit of the annual Orcas Island Student Art Show from 4 to 7:30 p.m.

Once again, the walls of the Center  lobby and Madrona Room will  feature the work of kindergarten through 12th grade students from Orcas Elementary, Middle and High Schools, as well as the Orcas Christian School and Salmonberry School. Visitors to the Center will have the opportunity to see the beginning paintings and drawings of young students and the progression in talent and technique from returning young artists of note.

The festive reception, beginning at 4 p.m., will feature the arts as expressed in dance and music. Jean Henigson’s Orcas Elementary School dancers will be on hand to perform at 4 p.m. They will be followed by Orcas music teacher Pamela Wright’s Middle School, High School and Ceolina String Ensembles from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m..High School music students will perform informally from 6 to 7:30 p.m.


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