Monday, Feb. 8 from 9:30 to 11:30 at San Juan Island Public Library, Friday Harbor

— from Victoria Compton for San Juan County Economic Development Council (EDC)–

Crowdfunding is an exciting way for entrepreneurs to ask for monetary pledges from individuals using online services like Kickstarter. Learn how to procure money for your business through crowdfunding during an informative workshop offered by the San Juan County Economic Development Council (EDC) on Monday, February 8th from 9:30-11:30 a.m. at the San Juan Island Public Library.

Crowdfunding has significantly expanded the way that small U.S. companies can raise growth funds, launch new products and find new customers. But the legal and disclosure requirements for seeking crowdfunding, the type of liability and the crowdfunding platforms can be difficult to navigate for small businesses.

The presentation led by EDC director and marketer Victoria Compton, will cover Crowdfunding law, how much money companies can raise (and where they can raise it), and how to set up a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter.
Details: Monday, February 8th from 9:30-11:30 a.m. at the San Juan Island Public Library at 1010 Guard Street in Friday Harbor. Materials and snacks are included, cost: $20 per person. Advance registration is required; for tickets visit: For more information: 360-378-2906 or email

The EDC thanks the Washington State Department of Commerce, San Juan County government, the Town of Friday Harbor, the Ports of Friday Harbor, Lopez and Orcas, Heritage Bank and Islanders Bank for their support. This event is not sponsored by the San Juan Island Public Library.

The San Juan County Economic Development Council (EDC) strives to strengthen and diversify the economy of San Juan County. We believe a strong economy builds a strong community. The EDC works to build an environment that helps business owners create jobs. We serve business: linking organizations and resources, providing valuable information, rendering assistance and advocating for an improved island business environment.