Doctoral candidates in political science, Di Ciccio and Lingle will give a Crossroads presentation on the Tea Party

The Orcas Crossroads Lecture Series Announces an “Extra Event” on June 18, The Tea Party Paradox:  Everyone’s Right, Everyone’s Wrong, and What That Says about American Politics. The Crossroads Extra is scheduled for 3 pm, Saturday June 18, at the new Parish Hall of Emmanuel Church.

Presenters are Damon T. Di Cicco and Colin Lingle, doctoral candidates studying political communication at the University of Washington’s Department of Communication. Both men have published scholarly articles and taught undergraduate courses about American politics and news media. In the summer of 2010, they began dissertation fieldwork examining the Tea Party and its relationship with news media.  After driving 5,000 miles to see the movement first-hand, attending rallies in Washington, D.C. and interviewing dozens of Tea Party members around the country, they share some of their observations and insights publicly, for the first time, on Orcas.

Di Cicco and Lingle say, “News coverage has told one side of the Tea Party story, but other crucial aspects have been overlooked. This presentation explores what supporters and opponents are getting right about the movement, and what they may be getting wrong. It is important to go beyond the controversy and ask what’s really happening, both on the ground and in the news, and why it matters to American politics.”

Di Cicco and Lingle will share stories, photos and videos they have gathered on the road, from modest picnics in rural Oregon, to packed convention center ballrooms in Las Vegas, to crowds of thousands on the National Mall. The presentation includes an opportunity to ask questions about the movement, its impact and what lies ahead.

Tickets are available at the Orcas Island Public Library and at Darvill’s Bookstore.  A limited number of complimentary tickets are available at the Library and the Senior Center.  Seating is limited for this Crossroads Extra Event, and advance tickets are recommended.

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