Nathan Mantua, Quatic and Fisheries Sciences Associatie Professor

The Crossroads spring lecture series continues on Sunday, March 14 at 2 p.m. at the Orcas Center with Dr. Nathan Mantua’s presentation of “Climate Change Science and Potential Impacts on the Pacific Northwest.”

Is the earth’s climate really changing? Have scientists overstated, or understated, the risks that increased concentrations of greenhouse gases pose to the Earth’s climate system? What is the latest data and thinking on human and natural contributions to global climate change?

Dr. Nathan Mantua addresses these questions, provides an overview of climate change science and discusses the projected impacts of human-caused climate change on natural resources in the Pacific Northwest. His presentation is followed by audience Q&A and a public reception.

Dr. Mantua is Co-Director of the Center for Science in the Earth System at the University of Washington, where he is also Research Associate Professor in the School of Aquatic and Fishery Science, adjunct faculty in Atmospheric Sciences and Marine Affairs and a member of the UW’s Climate Impacts Group. A research scientist with the PNW Station of the US Forest Service, Dr. Mantua’s research focuses on climate impacts on the water cycle, forests and aquatic ecosystems and how climate information is or is not being used in resource management decisions.

He received a Ph.D. from the UW’s Department of Atmospheric Sciences and in April 2000 received a Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers for his climate impacts research and public outreach activities.

The Crossroads series presents thoughtful, provocative speakers who help the Orcas community think about timely issues, both local and global. The series is co-sponsored by Friends of the Library, the Orcas Island Public Library, Orcas Center, the Daniel and Margaret Carper Foundation and the Crossroads Associates.

Tickets are $10 and may be purchased at Darvill’s Bookstore and the Library. A limited number of complimentary tickets are made available in advance through the Library and Senior Center.