This Friday the Orcas Crossroads Lecture Series presents Ned Brines, one of the country’s top fund managers, speaking on the topic “The Economy: How Do We Get out of this Mess?”

A noted financial blogger, asset manager and frequent media guest, Brines addresses the questions: How did we get in this predicament? How does the current US financial condition compare with historical crises? What options exist to help us exit this combination of deficit and embedded debt?

Ned Brines is the former manager of the Provident Small Cap fund, and also managed the Aggressive Growth, Focused Growth and Private Client business at Roger Engemann and Associates. Prior to completing his MBA at the University of Southern California, he spent six years as an investment banker, focusing on mergers and acquisitions and corporate restructuring. Brines has achieved the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.

The lecture is on Friday, March 11, at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $10 each or $30 for all four spring Crossroads lecture when purchased together. They are available at Darvill’s Bookstore, the Orcas Island Public Library or at the door. For those who could not otherwise attend, a limited number of complimentary tickets are available in advance through the Orcas Island Public Library and Orcas Senior Center. For more information, visit

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