Wednesday, October 2, 8:45 a.m., County Council Hearing Room

The Planning Commission will hold a workshop regarding amendments to Ordinance Nos. 26-2012, 28-2012 and 29-2012 related to general critical area regulations, and regulations for wetlands and fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas. Staff will brief the Planning Commission on the direction provided by the San Juan County Council on September 30, 2013, in response to the Growth Management Hearings Board Final Decision and Order (FDO) in Case No. 13-2-0012c.

Based on the County Council’s direction, staff will discuss amendments to the referenced ordinances. The discussion will be focused on FDO compliance issues including the definition of development, exemptions for transmission and utility lines, a public agency and public/private utility exception, new and expanding agriculture, sewage disposal systems, and water quality and habitat buffer widths.

The public is invited to attend; public comments will only be taken on this topic. The workshop will be held in the County Council hearing room, Legislative Building, 55 Second Street, Friday Harbor, San Juan Island. The workshop will start at 8:45 a.m. The Planning Commission will tentatively hold a public hearing on the compliance ordinances on Thursday, November 7, 2013.