— from Marla Johns for Orcas Fire and Rescue —

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July 15, 2017 – 6 p.m.

The Lime Quarry Fire was fully extinguished at 4:50 p.m. and all responders from Orcas Fire, Lopez Fire, San Juan Fire and Department of Natural Resources have been released from the scene. The coordinated effort of all four agencies resulted in both containment and rapid extinguishment. The fire was able to be contained to approximately one acre in size, in spite of very difficult terrain and access. Once contained, the combined effort of all agencies and responders led to the fire being extinguished in under 24 hours.

The public should be aware, due to the type of fire fuel in the burn area, hot spots will remain at the fire scene for many days to come. Orcas Island Fire Department has developed a plan in which teams will conduct fire checks multiple times per day for the coming week; then will continue to monitor for as long as is necessary depending on findings. Given the type of fuel, it would not be uncommond for these checks to continue for weeks.

No structures were lost in the fire and no injuries were reported to any community member or fire fighting personnel. The cause of the fire is unknown and under investigation at this time.

Orcas Island Fire & Rescue would again like to thank the mutual aid responders: Department of Natural Resources, Lopez Fire, and San Juan Fire. We would also like to thank the Fire Auxiliary for providing nourishment to the fire crews, Greg Sawyer for use of his airplane, and Camp Orkila for use of their boat. OIFR would like to give special recognition to Captain Chad Kimple who acted as Incident Commander for the entire event. He coordinated a complicated fire scene with multiple agencies and responders leading to the very positive end result achieved today.

July 15, 2017 – 1 p.m.

Update from the fire scene reports the fire has been contained and nearly extinguished. There are pockets of fire within the containment area which are not spreading at this time. Crews from Lopez and San Juan Islands will be released this afternoon. Crews from DNR will remain on scene.

Photo of fire scene taken approximately 7 a.m., July 15, 2017.

The public should be aware, due to the type of fire fuel in the burn area, hot spots will remain at the fire scene for many days to come. Orcas Island Fire crews are in the process of developing a monitoring plan which will likely span for the next few weeks.

No structures have been threatened and no injuries have been reported.

The next update is set to be provided at approximately 6 p.m.

July 15, 2017 – 11:30 a.m.

Update from the fire scene reports the fire has been contained; however there is still active burning inside the containment area. Crews are continuing to extinguish and maintain the containment area. Winds are being monitored as a potential factor.

No structures are threatened and no injuries have been reported. OIFR would like to thank those who have expressed concern for our first responders who have been on scene throughout the evening. Additional thanks to Department of Natural Resources, San Juan Fire, and Lopez Fire for providing mutual aid.

The next update is set to be provided at approximately 1 p.m.

July 15, 2017 – 8:50 a.m.

Orcas Island Fire units have been on scene of a fire located at the end of Lime Quarry Road at the base of the Turtleback Mountain area, not in the Turtleback Preserve. Additional units are responding from the Department of Natural Resources, Lopez Fire and San Juan Fire to provide assistance and relief to local crews.

The fire is not currently threatening any structures and there have been no reports of any injuries. The cause of the fire is not known at this time.

Residents are asked to avoid the area and the access roads leading to the scene in order to allow crews to enter and exit as needed. The terrain is challenging, and multiple apparatus and responders will be needed throughout the day. Residents are asked to monitor local news outlets as well as the OIFR Facebook page for information and avoid contacting dispatch or the fire station for updates.

Updates will continue to be provided as they become available.

July 14, 2017 – 10:25 p.m.

Orcas Island Fire units are on scene with additional units responding from the Department of Natural Resources to a fire at the base of Turtleback Mountain, located at the end of Lime Quarry Road. Initial reports indicate the fire is approximately one quarter acre in size and is slow growing. Crews will remain on scene throughout the night and an engine from DNR will arrive on island late tonight to assist.

The fire is not currently threatening any structures and there have been no reports of any injuries. The cause of the fire is not known at this time.

Residents are asked to avoid the area and the access roads leading to the scene in order to allow crews to enter and exit as needed. The terrain is challenging, and multiple apparatus and responders will be needed throughout the night and into tomorrow.

Updates will continue to be provided as they become available.

July 14, 2017 – 9:30 p.m. 

Orcas Island Fire units are currently on scene with additional units responding to a fire at the base of Turtleback Mountain. Initial reports indicate the fire is near the Lovers Cove area at the base of the mountain.

The Public is asked to remain clear of the area and of access roads to allow units to get to the fire scene.

Updates will be provided as they become available.