OLYMPIA – The Washington State Department of Health (DOH) continues to make progress with our COVID-19 vaccine distribution and administration efforts.

As of Tuesday, 425,900 doses of vaccine have been delivered to Washington state, which includes allocations from both Moderna and Pfizer. Of that supply, providers have reported 110,225 total doses of vaccine administered since we began phase 1A in mid-December. Please note there is up to a three-day lag in data reported to the state database, so the actual total may be higher. These numbers also include doses set aside for long-term care facilities.

We are pleased to share Washington state decisions on phase 1B groups plans today. As additional future phases are finalized, we will share that information with you.

“Right now, our priority is getting vaccine to people quickly so that we can stay on track and hit our goals of moving into Phase 1B by the middle of January,” said Assistant Secretary Michele Roberts, one of the leaders of the state’s vaccine effort. “We need the continued partnership of our local health and healthcare providers to plan and host clinics to get more vaccine into arms.”

Vaccine ordering and administration

We anticipate the following for our week four allocation:

  • Pfizer:
    • 62,400 second doses
    • 44,850 first doses
  • Moderna:
    • 44,100 first doses
    • Additional 200 doses placed for allocation available from a previous week
  • Locations:
    • 103,825 doses will go to 135 sites in 34 counties
    • 47,725 doses will go to support long-term care facilities and 5 tribes and Urban Indian Health Programs
    • As of January 5, 2021, 477 facilities were officially enrolled to provide COVID-19 vaccine

Providers – please double check your applications for enrollment to ensure your eligibility.

Long-term care facilities

CVS and Walgreens continue to vaccinate in all types of long-term care facilities enrolled in the CDC/Retail Pharmacy program.

Additionally, Washington long-term care pharmacies are currently vaccinating in non-registered facilities and supporting other long-term care facility work. In locations where independent living is onsite with assisted living and other long-term care facilities, we are incorporating vaccinations for those residents as well to reduce the virus spread.

Phase Finder

We are pleased to announce the beginning of Phase Finder, an online tool that allows people to assess their eligibility for the COVID-19 vaccine. It’s being tested now and will launch broadly January 18. Phase Finder will be available in multiple languages and will be used to confirm individual eligibility for the COVID-19 vaccine. Vaccine providers and immunization programs will also be able to use Phase Finder to do assessments of vaccine need by zip code.

Tracking vaccine data: vaccine dashboard

Next week, in partnership with Microsoft, DOH will introduce the new vaccine dashboard, which will be the state’s main source for regular vaccine data reporting. The dashboard will include vaccine ordering and administration data, including breakdowns by county and by demographics. It should be updated three times a week. Look for the dashboard to launch next week.

Provider resources

We’ve recently added several new online tools and resources for both COVID-19 vaccine providers and the public.

The DOH website is your source for a healthy dose of information.