— by Minor Lile, Orcas Issues Reporter —

At a press briefing on Monday, March 2, Governor Jay Inslee called on the public to respond to the continuing spread of the Covid-19 by “making decisions based on science and rational thought, and the sense and understanding that we are all in this together.” The Governor also stated that the top priority now is to slow the spread of the virus and that everyone can participate in this effort.

The following preventive measures are recommended:

  • Wash hands often for at least 20 seconds, front, back and in between the fingers
  • Use hand sanitizer with at least 60% ethyl alcohol as an option to hand washing
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
  • Frequently clean and disinfect unwashed surfaces
  • Stay away from others when you are feeling sick
  • Give thought to avoiding crowded settings
  • Make sure you have sufficient basic supplies at home – equivalent to what you would want for a snow storm or similar circumstance
  • Have a plan for child care
  • Rely on your community of support if you can’t or shouldn’t go out
  • Pay attention to symptoms and be in touch with your health care provider if you don’t feel well

According to health care professionals, by taking a layered approach and adopting as many of these measures as possible, the greater the chances of not contracting the virus.

As of March 2, there had been 18 positive cases identified in Washington State, with six deaths. 14 of the positive cases are in King County and the remaining four are in Snohomish County. An additional 253 individuals are under observation. The State currently has the capacity to test up to 100 individuals per day for the Covid-19 virus. The ability to test is expected to expand rapidly over the next several weeks. The state Department of Health will be updating these figures on a daily basis.

As the Covid-19 virus situation continues to develop, there are certain to be further updates. San Juan County‘s website contains specific local information. The Washington State Department of Health is maintaining up to date information on their website. The State has also established a Covid-19 hotline at 1-800-525-0127.