By Stan Matthews
County Communications Program Manager

The San Juan County Human Resources Department emailed notification to County employees on March 11, announcing that all workers may take up to 10 days of voluntary, unpaid furlough during 2010. The approval of individual applications for furlough days will be dependent on the staffing needs of each department to maintain essential services.

The County Auditor’s most recent financial report shows a short fall of nearly $300,000 in the 2010 budget. Thursday’s emailed announcement said the County and WSCCE – Local 1849 of AFSCME reached the agreement on furloughs, “In the interest of preserving jobs and maintaining public services for our community.”

The Union represents approximately 60% of the County’s employees, however all County employees are included in the voluntary furlough program. During a similar program in the last four months of 2009, nearly 20% of the County’s employees took voluntary days off, saving more than $30,000 in wages.

The Human Resources email also told employees, “It is possible that there could be office closures or mandatory furlough days in 2010.” If mandatory days off are required, the effect of voluntary furlough days already taken will be the subject of further negotiation.

Voters approved a 12 cent levy lid-lift in 2009 which earmarked additional funding for several programs – including Parks and Senior Services – and also allocated $140,000 of the new revenue to reducing the need for mandatory closures of County offices; however overall county revenue has continued to fall short of projections. The County Council formally authorized the voluntary furlough program at its meeting Tuesday.

Under state law, furlough days do not affect the calculation of an employee’s retirement benefits.