By Stan Matthews
Web/Communications/Public Records Officer

A one-ton Public Works Department truck rolled into the water at Roche Harbor between 10 and 11 A.M. this morning and was completely submerged for approximately two hours until it was hauled out by a contract tow operator. Workers from Public Works and Roche Harbor stood by in case fuel or oil leaked out, but acting Public Works Director Russ Harvey said there was no leakage.

The truck was on the ramp at Roche Harbor in the area where construction will soon begin on a new dock, when it was bumped by a large piece of driftwood that was being loaded onto it. “Something in the truck went ‘clunk’ and it rolled forward into the water.” No one was inside the truck at the time and there were no injuries reported. Harvey, said that a pleasure boat near the ramp suffered what he described as superficial damage.

The truck had been parked for about five minutes before it rolled into the water. It is now in the County shop and the maintenance crew is looking over the truck’s mechanical system to see what might have caused it to start rolling.

Harvey described the truck as one of the older vehicles in the County fleet.

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