Odlin Park South, secured under a 50-year lease for county use

From the Land Bank

San Juan County has just concluded a 50-year lease with the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) on the Odlin South school trust land on Lopez.  The state paid DNR $1,096,000 through the Trust Land Transfer Program for the lease.  These funds will be in turn used for school capital projects around the state.  There was no cost to the county in the transaction.

The lease was negotiated by the San Juan County Land Bank. The property will be managed by the San Juan County Parks Department, “County residents have worked hard to protect this property,” stated Lincoln Bormann, Land Bank Director. “Through their efforts we not only secured this lease, but one for Lopez Hill in 2009 and funding for the National Park Service to acquire Mitchell Hill on San Juan Island in 2010. It is an amazing accomplishment for a small county.”

Dona Wuthnow, Parks Director, added, “the Odlin South lease is a great addition to Odlin Park. It protects the watershed, buffers the park from potential development and creates additional opportunities for walking trails.”

Heather Arps, a community organizer on behalf of preserving Odlin South concluded, “Hearing that we have secured a 50 year lease on the property makes my week! It’s been a long two years of working and waiting and I am delighted with the progress. I do still have my eye on outright purchase and I will continue to try and make that happen. Many thanks to all who helped bring this project this far.”

About the San Juan County Land Bank

The San Juan County Land Bank is a local land conservation program, created by voters in 1990, and funded by a 1% real estate excise tax paid by purchasers of property in San Juan County. Through conservation easements or outright purchases, the Land Bank protects special places in the Islands including coastlines, farmland, forests and wetlands.  For more information, contact the Land Bank at 378-4402 or visit https://www.sjclandbank.org.

About San Juan County Parks Department

San Juan County Parks provides 17 parks totaling 240 acres for the public to enjoy on San Juan, Orcas, Lopez and Shaw islands.  These parks allow visitors to experience the natural environment and outdoors with opportunities for camping, boat launching, building rental, and special facility use.  For more information contact us at 378-8420 or visit https://www.co.san-juan.wa.us/Parks/

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