From San Juan County Communications

Thank you to everyone who participated in the first week of the San Juan County Community Conversations! We had good turnout at all of the meetings – roughly sixty on Orcas and San Juan and more than fifty on Lopez. This is a great beginning to our conversation to prioritize County services, and we hope to have even stronger participation at our next meetings in March.

We will be sending out periodic updates by email, but you can always check the Community Conversations website ( for more information. The website has the meetings schedule, important documents (including the report-outs from last week’s meetings, which will be up by close of business this Friday [Feb. 15]), and a blog for those who missed the conversations or who thought of new comments to share their views. The blog for the first week’s meetings (Quality of Life) will be open through the end of business this Thursday.

Please let your friends know about your experience with the Community Conversations. Participants last week expressed hope that we could reach a more diverse cross-section of the County in future meetings, and word of mouth is a great way to increase interest. The County Council is looking into the possibility of having child care available at future meetings, to make it easier for young families to take part in the Conversations.

Please direct any questions about the Community Conversations to Brenton Clark, Management Intern, at