Last month, the San Juan County Planning Commission issued a recommendation to the County Council in which they addressed six of the eight regulatory reform items that were contained in our December 18, 2019 letter to then-Councilmembers Hughes, Stevens and Watson. The Planning Commission was in substantial agreement with our points, and on two others remained silent.

Even more importantly, the Planning Commission supported imposing a moratorium. At the end of this letter, we have included a side-by-side comparison of our proposal vs. the Planning Commission’s unanimous agreement.
Thanks to each of you, these VR reforms have become a big part of our daily conversations on all our islands, and we are now in a strong position to begin deliberations with the new County Council.

It is against this backdrop that incoming Commissioners Cindy Wolf and Christine Minney take their seats in January.
On Wednesday, December 16, our VRWG met virtually with Cindy and Christine to discuss their plans for addressing VR reforms next year. As both Cindy and Christine endorsed VR regulatory reform in their winning campaigns this fall, we were encouraged to learn that they are planning to take up this issue early in the New Year.

We need to show Councilmembers Wolf and Minney that we support them every inch of what is still likely to be a miles-long campaign. Stay with us, invite your friends to join this network of support, and be a part of this community voice for change. If you have already signed the Petition, please ask your friends and email contacts to sign it as well. Learn more and join our community at: vacationrentalsorcas.org.
Thank you for all that you do.