On Jan. 4, the San Juan County Council approved the transfer of $1,000,000 in short-term loans made to the Public Works Department to pay for Solid Waste projects, and additional funds for the Capital Improvement and Road funds and the Department of  Emergency Management (DEM).

The breakdown of revenue sources for the solid waste loan is:

— Equipment Rental & Revolving: $400,000 (Public Works)
— Public Facilities Improvement: $200,000 (2260 fund)
— Document Preservation: $200,000 (auditor)
— Mental Health Tax: $100,000 (Public Health)
— Other grants/septic loans: $100,000 (Public Health)

The package of loans, part of the 2011 budget, were addressed at a public hearing in late November, 2010.

In addition to the Solid Waste Loan, the Council approved the interdepartmental loan of:

  • $140,000 for Department of Emergency Management
  • $100,000 for Capital Improvement
  • $500,000 for Roads

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