— from Stan Matthews —

County Parks announces the appointment of David St. George as the new Lopez Island Park Manager. David is a career Wildlife Biologist/Land Manager who has worked for public and private non-profit organizations for over 20 years.

The position became available after the resignation of Charlie Prince, who was the manager for three years and helped facilitate renovations at Odlin Park in addition to overseeing regular operations of the seven county parks on Lopez. The new park manager will begin work on Lopez in early February.

Dona Wuthnow, Parks & Fair Director, selected St. George from a group that included several highly qualified applicants.

“He brings a whole new level of skills and abilities to the Parks Department. His combination of talents will help us not only in the management of the newly renovated Odlin Park, but in developing a management plan for Odlin South, and improving management and operations at all the county parks on Lopez.”

St. George has extensive experience as a biologist in conducting wildlife and vegetation surveys, habitat restoration, and weed management.

As a Nature Conservancy land manager for the past eight years, he ran the daily operations of five preserves totaling 30,000 acres, including supervising employees & volunteers, managing visitor use, and performing infrastructure maintenance.

David and his wife of 27 years, Beth, have been frequent visitors to Lopez Island, often camping at Odlin Park while visiting all the public lands on Lopez.

“Lopez is a very special place to me and my wife with its rural life style and beautiful environment,” he said. “I am looking forward to living on the island and contributing to the preservation and management of the San Juan county parks for both residents and visitors.”

David and Beth will relocate to Lopez from Wenatchee, Washington. He is a graduate of Evergreen State College and likes to fish and hunt, watch birds, and be in the outdoors.

The county was fortunate to have received applications from several highly qualified individuals during the recruiting process for Lopez Island Park Manager.