Deadline: Monday, February 10

— from San Juan County Communications —

San Juan County Department of Community Development (DCD) is now accepting eligibility applications for detached ADU permits proposed outside of urban growth areas and activity centers. ADU eligibility applications must be received no later than 4:30 pm February 10, 2020.  In 2020, six eligibility slots are allowed for the construction of new ADUs and one is available for the conversion of existing accessory structures, legally in existence for five years. DCD will hold a lottery if the number of eligibility applications exceeds the number of ADUs allowed in 2020.

DCD’s ADU eligibility application form must be completed and submitted to DCD along with the fee of $245. This form is available online at, or through the online permit center at, or at 135 Rhone St, Friday Harbor.

Complete applications including the fee must be received by DCD in person at DCD’s office at 135 Rhone Street, Friday Harbor, Washington, submitted timely online, or by mail to P.O. Box 947, Friday Harbor, WA 98250 by 4:30 pm on February 10, 2020.

If needed, a lottery will take place for one or both categories on March 2, 2020, at 11:30 am, at the front counter in the DCD office at 135 Rhone St, Friday Harbor, WA.  Applications received after February 10 are ineligible, but will be added to a waitlist. 

Questions? Yancey Bagby (360) 370-7581 or