By Stan Matthews
County Website and Communications Manager

David Kelly has formally announced his resignation as San Juan County’s Deputy Director of Administration, effective June 29. Kelly, who joined the County’s staff in July of 2010, is leaving to become City Administrator of Selah, Washington, in Yakima County.

Kelly was a major player in the County’s budgeting process and he was instrumental in negotiating an employee medical insurance contract that avoided a budget-busting 22% increase in rates which could have require budget cuts equivalent to the lay-off of seven County employees.

In his letter of resignation to County Administrator Pete Rose, Kelly thanked Rose for the opportunity to work with him and concluded by offering his “best wishes to you, the County Council and all of the people of San Juan County who have made me and my family feel welcome in this community.”

In accepting Kelly’s resignation, Rose noted that the detailed and flexible budget forecast model Kelly created will serve the county for years to come.

Rose is also in his final days with San Juan County, having announced his resignation May 1, to become City Administrator of Lake Forest Park in King County. His final day on the job here will be June 8.

The County Council has selected veteran government manager Robert Jean to act as County Administrator Pro Tem until a permanent administrator is hired. The Council has decided not to seek a candidate for the permanent position until after the November General Election. Charter Review Commission proposals on the November ballot could reshape the County’s government and the administrator’s job description.

No decision has been made concerning Kelly’s replacement.