This Saturday, Feb. 10, the San Juan County Democrats will be hosting two statewide candidates on Zoom.  At 10:30 we will hear from State Senator Patty Kuderer, who is running for Insurance Commissioner, and at 11:00 we will hear from Patrick DePoe, who is running for Commissioner of Public Lands.  Patrick currently is director of Tribal Relations at DNR, and if elected, Patrick would be the first Native American elected to statewide office.
To attend the meeting, simply go to https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82023934069?pwd=RllNSmJudHpmM21BTGNkOVNmcXFwQT09.  If you need it, Meeting ID is 820 2393 4069 and Passcode is U0xky3.  If you have any questions, feel free to call me at 360-376-4165.  Our whole meeting will run from 10:00 until about noon.  Please join us.

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