The San Juan County Council has canceled its regular Monday Morning worksession and declared its Tuesday Session to be a “Special Session” so that it could get underway earlier than usual.It will begin its meeting on Tuesday, July 7 at 9 a.m. in Council Chambers in Friday Harbor.

The Council has discussed reducing the number of meetings they hold in order to give both staff and council subcommittees time to work on budget revisions and a potential re-organization of the County government.

Current plans are to meet only on Tuesday for the next two weeks.
Among the items on Tuesday’s agenda are proposed revisions to the County’s road plan for this year as well as the six year road plan, a look at the proposals that will be on the next docket for changes in the County Unified Development Code and a legal briefing on a proposal to allow County Council members to participate in meetings via telephone.
There will be two executive sessions dealing with personnel matters beginning at 11 a.m. and running until the noon recess.
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