By Margie Doyle

The County Council is planning a series of Community Conversations about the future of the San Juan Islands and the role of our County government. The meetings have been planned under the supervision of County Interim Manager Bob Jean, and dates, beginning next week, were defined in a memo to the council and council candidates on January 8.

In an announcement to the public, provided to Orcas Issues by Orcas East Council Member Patty Miller with the assistance of Orcas West Council Member Rick Hughes, the Council states:

“We are now at a transition point that provides an opportunity to take a fresh look at our community and our County government’s role in achieving our community’s vision. This is an important chance for you to offer your views on how your government can best serve its citizens.

“San Juan County is unique in many ways, including the challenges it faces in meeting the community’s essential needs, from basic transportation to agriculture, public health to law enforcement, potable water to garbage and recycling, and parks and recreation. What services should our local government provide directly, and at what levels? What support is needed from the County to help private businesses and nonprofits partner to deliver services?

“Over the last six years of this economic recession we have seen our traditional industries of real estate, construction, and tourism decline. As our economy recovers, it is still unclear how businesses and jobs will grow. This is an opportunity for us to engage in an active dialogue about retaining and building a healthy, sustainable economy.

“The roundtable meeting format will assure that all voices are heard and respected, and that no one individual dominates. And, please feel free to attend any meeting on any island, whatever works for you. If you can’t make the meetings consider joining the on-line dialogue by going to the County website at

“We urge you to join us in this Council Community Conversation and share your views on how we should take advantage of this moment of rebirth in our community’s government. The thoughts and ideas presented during this conversation will be a resource for the incoming County Council, our new County Manager, and our County Employees as they strive to deliver the highest quality services possible to our community.”

Dates, times and topics of the Community Conversations are set as follows:

Conversation #1 Quality of Life
Feb 5 6-9 pm Orcas Fire Hall
Feb 6 6-9 pm Friday Harbor High School (FHHS) Commons
Feb 7 6-9 pm Lopez Arts Center

Conversation #2 Public Services
Mar 5 6-9 pm Orcas Fire Hall
Mar 6 6-9 pm FHHS Commons
Mar 7 6-9 pm Lopez Arts Center
Mar 16 1-5 pm Shaw Com. Center

Conversation #3 Economy and Jobs
Apr 2 6-9 pm Orcas Fire Hall
Apr 3 6-9 pm Lopez Arts Center
Apr 4 6-9 pm FHHS Commons

Conversation #4 Priorities of Government
Apr 16 6-9 pm Orcas Fire Hall
Apr 17 6-9 pm Lopez Arts Center
Apr 18 6-9 pm FHHS Commons