San Juan County Council Chair Rick Hughes will read the following proclamation at the Friday Harbor ferry terminal at approximately 2 p.m. on Sunday, June 29:

(L) Great perspective of the "pickle bow."  (R) Ferry boats earn the gold stripe after 50 years of service. Photos courtesy of Christopher Evans

(L) Great perspective of the “pickle bow.” (R) Ferry boats earn the gold stripe after 50 years of service. Photos courtesy of Christopher Evans


UPON: The retirement of the MV Evergreen State, San Juan County
and the Town of Friday Harbor wishes to thank our local crews,
captains, ferry staff, Washington State Ferries and the Washington
State Department of Transportation for six decades of loyal service
to our community. The Evergreen State brought generations of
islanders to, and home safely from, the mainland and allowed us to
share our beautiful islands with visitors from around the world.

WHEREAS: We meet today to commemorate Evergreen State’s
last sailing on the waters of the Salish Sea and bid her “bon voyage”;

WHEREAS: The 87-car MV Evergreen State is the oldest and longest
serving ferry in the Washington State Ferries fleet;

WHEREAS: The MV Evergreen State and its sister ferries enabled
our county to expand our economic base and provide basic
transportation to Anacortes, Sidney, B.C. and between islands;

WHEREAS: We are privileged to join the Evergreen State along with
the United States Coast Guard and escort her from Friday Harbor to
Anacortes on this, her final passage.

NOW, THEREFORE, we, the San Juan County Council do hereby,
and with deep appreciation, wish the MV Evergreen State and
her dedicated crew fair winds and following seas.