By Stan Matthews
County Website and Communications Manager

The San Juan County Council officially adopted the County’s new Hazardous and Solid Waste Management Plan at its meeting on Tuesday, [November 6, 2012] after more than a decade of false starts. The new plan was required to conform with the County’s transition to a new system which relies more heavily on route collection on San Juan Island, turns operation of the Lopez facility over to a local district and leases the Orcas transfer station to private operators.

The Council also took the occasion to present a letter of appreciation to Elizabeth Anderson, the planner who oversaw the often contentious process of creating the updated plan.

The letter praised Ms. Anderson for her professionalism and dedication to fairness, saying “Throughout, you demonstrated a willingness to listen to the community’s concerns and a desire to incorporate those concerns in public policy; seeking a balance between the practical elements the County needs in order to do business today and while providing opportunities that allow progress toward the longer range solid waste management goals that citizens feel are important.”

In thanking the Council, Anderson said that had been an honor to work with her colleagues in the County Public Works Department and singled out Utilities Manager Ed Hale and Public Works Director Frank Mulcahy for a special mention.

With the completion of the plan, Ms. Anderson’s position with the County has been phased out. She has now moved on to a similar task, preparing a solid waste plan for the Town of Friday Harbor.