— from San Juan County Communications —

County Parks celebrated the completion of Odlin Park renovation projects that spanned more than a decade with an event titled “Rediscover Odlin” Thursday, June 12, at the park on Lopez Island.  The weather cooperated, providing a perfect sunny afternoon for the more than sixty park supporters and officials who attended and enjoyed music by Kate Czaja and appetizers prepared by The Galley and South End restaurants.

Consulting wetland scientist Diane Brewster, principal of Touchstone EcoServices, told the group about one major portion of the renovations, monitored wetland mitigation areas that are expected to benefit water quality, wildlife and native plants over the coming years. Kids’ joined in the celebration in a nature scavenger hunt and a treasure hunt organized by the Lopez Family Resource Center’s Heather Gladstone.

Councilman Jamie Stephens, flanked by Council members Bob Jarman and Rick Hughes, thanked the many partners, volunteers, staff, past Commissioners and Park Board members for their work on the numerous projects included in the renovation.   “A county park project of this scale only occurs once every 75 years, and it takes the work and support of many to see it through”, said Stephens.

Parks & Fair Director, Dona Wuthnow said, “It is wonderful to celebrate project completion with the community.  It was the input given by citizens, the incredible volunteer support, the skilled contractors and staff, and the support of county officials over the years that led to a successful project”.

Notable event attendees included Rory Calhoun of the state Recreation and Conservation Office that provided grant funding, past BOCC member Rhea Miller whose board approved the seed project funding, past County Administrator Pete Rose, contributing architect Joe Greene, Kristian Tollefson of Washington Conservation Corps, Amanda Wedow of Lopez Conservation Corps,  Kirm Taylor & several  Lopez Community Trails Network members, past Park Board members Gil Blinn and Barbara Keller, Marcia deChadenedes & Nick Teague of BLM SJI National Monument, Becky Smith of Lopez Chamber of Commerce, Sheriff Rob Nou, and County Manager Mike Thomas.

The Odlin Park master plan projects focused on upgrading facilities to improve public health & safety, accessibility, and increased capacity for groups, while improving wetland and shoreline areas.  The park received 2 new picnic shelter/pavilions, a new upper campground loop for groups & individuals, an expanded shoreline day use picnic area & reconfigured parking, 3 new restrooms, a boat trailer parking area, re-aligned campground entrance road, three-quarters of an acre of wetland enhancements, and renovated RV and shoreline campsites.