— from San Juan County Communications —

San Juan County is exploring options to centralize government operations in an efficient and community-centered new Civic Campus building located near the courthouse in Friday Harbor. A design team has developed a concept that was informed by the first public survey in March 2018, as well as discussions with County staff who would be providing services in the new building. A new building would consolidate the operations of nine different county departments that are currently housed in five different buildings.

Virtual Open House: At the August 21 County Council Meeting, the county’s contracted architect, Miller Hull Partnership, LLP performed an online presentation of a conceptual design for a new Civic Campus building. Miller Hull’s Virtual Open House presentation can be view at council video. (Click on “9:19 a.m. DISCUSSION” agenda item and the video presentation starts at 9:26 a.m.) Also, a link to the Executive Summary document is located here.

Community Survey: We are asking community members to review the draft conceptual design information (Virtual Open House and Executive Summary document) and provide input through a public survey at www.surveymonkey.com/r/SanJuanCounty2 . The survey deadline has been extended and will be open through September 12. Individual responses will be kept confidential.

Please visit the County Manager’s Civic Campus Plan webpage about the Civic Campus planning efforts and draft conceptual design.