— from Bob Jarman —

On Nov. 25th the Grange will take up and discuss the San Juan County Council’s proposed moratorium on marijuana producers. Although I was cordially invited to attend to speak in favor of the moratorium, I have declined to do so. It is my opinion that the County Council has a lot of work to do on this issue and that any remarks I might make would be premature at best. At this time I feel it is important that I continue to use my time to gather information, including how our neighboring counties have dealt with marijuana.

It is clear from the discussion that I have had since the introduction of the moratorium at Council, that there is great interest in this issue. Therefore, at the County Council meeting on Nov. 25th, I will propose to my fellow Council Members that the Council hold a series of public workshops in January to take input on the proposed moratorium, including possible regulations. Through an inclusive public process, I am confident that all voices will have an opportunity to be heard and that a viable solution can be crafted; one that balances individual rights and voter intent.

Bob Jarman is a San Juan County Councilman, residing on San Juan Island