Videoconference from 10 to 11:30 a.m. at the Orcas Island Public Library

A public hearing before the County Council in Friday Harbor to Consider Adopting an Ordinance Regarding Critical Area Regulations for Geologically Hazardous Areas and Frequently Flooded Areas will be videoconferenced at the Orcas Island Library this Tuesday. The meeting will be held in County Council Chambers in the Legislative Building in Friday Harbor.

The videoconference session will run from 10 to 11:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 18. It follows an executive session of the County Council, and will begin with the open meeting and  a public access session. The videoconference portion of the meeting will conclude at 11:30 a.m.The hearing will be continued to March 6, 2012.

At 11:30 a.m.the Council is scheduled to address 2012 Council Priorities and the County Administrator Items:

  1. 2012 Annual Road Plan (1st touch) – Rachel Dietzman, County Engineer
  2. Introduction of the 2012 Preliminary Budget – Pete Rose, County Administrator

After a lunch recess the Council will discuss:

General Government Department Budgets, including Restricted Funds: Veterans Relief; Dog License; Multipurpose Facilities; Lodging Tax; Auditor’s  Document Preservation; Capital Improvement Fund; Crime Victims; Other Grants & Septic Loans; Public Facilities Improvements; Criminal Justice; Bond Redemption; Insurance Cumulative Reserve; General Administration with Milene Henley, Auditor and Pete Rose, County Administrator

Elections –  Milene Henley, Auditor

Assessor – Charles Zalmanek, Assessor

County Council – Legislative Priorities[public comment accepted]

Council Members will then give updates as follows:

  • Legislative Priorities: Pratt
  • Ferries/FAC/Intermodal:  Rosenfeld
  • Budget Subcommittee:   Fralick
  • General Government Subcommittee re: Charter Review:  Peterson
  • Solid Waste Subcommittee: Miller