The San Juan County Council will hold its regular meeting on Tuesday, July 2 at the Lopez Center on Lopez Island. The meeting will start at 10 a.m.

The agenda calls for:

  •  Discussion of  Acceptance Conservation Easement Deeds Donation (Geiling Parcels) – Lincoln Bormann, Director Land Bank
  •  Discussion of Ben Nevis Loop, Shaw Island Speed Study (1st touch) [public comment accepted] – Rachel Dietzman, County Engineer
  •  Discussion of  Utility Right-of-Way Permits – Rachel Dietzman, County Engineer

The Lopez Solid Waste Disposal District Board (LSWDDB) will then convene for a joint meeting with the Council – Page Read, LSWDDB Chair. The joint meeting will hear an  Operations Update and Budget Update, a levy election and interlocal agreement presentations.

Following a lunch recess, Council Members Stephens, Jarman and Hughes will give updates and discuss:

  • Subcommittee Updates
  • Vacancies & Term Limits for advisory committees
  • Additional Updates & Discussion Items
  • Lopez Village Planning Update

Following will be updates by County Manager Mike Thomas and Council Clerk Ingrid Gabriel.

On the agenda, prepared last week, is a discussion of the State Budget Impasse (the State Legislature passed operations and transportation budgets on Friday, June 28.

There will also be discussion of:

  • Building Permit Double Fee Amnesty
  • Hearing Examiner Appeal Fees
  • Historical Preservation Grants Awards

The Council will go into closed executive session to discuss collective bargaining  and employee performance evaluation  – Pamela Morais, Human Resources Manager

The Council plans to adjourn at 2:30 p.m.

The agenda for the July 2 meeting is subject to change.