By Stan Matthews
County Communications Program Manager

Ordinance 50-2008, adopted in November, 2008, allows the San Juan County Unified Development Code (UDC) to be updated up to three times per year until December 2010.

The first of these updates for 2009 will come before the County Council on November 30th.  Public hearings on each proposed change have been scheduled for December 8th. Each proposed amendment was reviewed by the San Juan County Planning Commission earlier this year. The issues to be considered by the Council in this round are:

1. The Upland Essential Public Facility Ordinance:

The proposed amendments modify definitions, land use tables, and siting/ permitting requirements to allow for essential public facilities; establish standards for solid waste transfer stations; and establish a new Essential Public Facility Conditional Use Permit process.

2.  Proposed amendment to SJCC 18.30.040 – allowable and prohibited uses in Rural, Resource and Special Land Use Districts:

The proposed amendment will change Table 3.2 in the UDC, “Allowable and Prohibited Uses in Rural, Resource, & Special Land Use Districts” to allow Indoor Swimming Pools under the Recreational Uses section as a Conditional Use.

3. Master Planned Resort Implementation Extension:

The proposed amendment would enable the County Council to grant Master Planned Resorts up to 6 years to submit their first Planned Unit Development application.

For further information please contact Colin Maycock, 360-370-7573 or at