From Stan Matthews
County Interim Information Technology Manager

The San Juan Council has scheduled time at 1 P.M. during its Tuesday, March 26 meeting, to discuss the possibility of placing two amendments to the San Juan County Charter on the November, 2013 ballot. The amendments would modify Charter changes approved by voters in the November 2012 election.

The recently adopted Charter Amendments change the size of the County Council and the method of electing its members. Under those changes, elections in April will select a new three-member council to replace the current six member council. Each member of the new council is required to live within a “Residency District,” however they are to be elected by voters county-wide.

The new proposed amendments, brought forward by Council Vice-Chair Rich Peterson, would, instead, create a five-member County Council with each member elected by voters who live within an individual member district.

Council Members Bob Jarman and Marc Forlenza joined Peterson in petitioning Council Chair Jamie Stephens for agenda time for the discussion.

This will be the “first touch” for the ordinance which would to place the issues on the ballot. If it moves forward, Council rules call for two additional opportunities for discussion, including a public hearing, before it could be adopted.

Copies of the proposed Charter changes and the proposed ordinance are attached to the March 26 Council Agenda online. (