During the December 10, 2024 Council meeting, the San Juan County Council will hold a public hearing on passing a new 1/10th of 1% sales tax to create a Cultural Access program. During this meeting, the Council will consider, deliberate, and make a final decision on whether to councilmanicly pass the proposed ordinance. To learn more about the program proposal, visit the County’s website: https://www.sanjuancountywa.
What is Cultural Access?
The WA State legislature has stated, “There is a need to provide public and educational benefits and economic support for cultural organizations. Providing local support for the state’s cultural organizations is in the public interest and will serve multiple public purposes including, among others, enhancing and extending the education reach and offerings of cultural organizations; ensuring continued and expanded access to the facilities and programs of cultural organizations by economically and geographically underserved populations; and providing financial stability to the organizations to continue and extend the numerous public benefits they provide.”
To support this goal, the WA State legislature has given counties and cities the ability to support access to history, science, and the arts through a 1/10th of 1% sales tax. Based on San Juan County’s 2023 revenues, approximately $800,000 could be collected annually to support cultural access. Due to the high volume of visitors and tourists to San Juan County, the proposed tax would cost approximately $20 per household per year.
Funds would be focused on a specific purpose – to provide local support and financial stability to schools and cultural organizations.
How did we get here?
On May 16 2023, Inspire Washington, a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing support to local communities to establish cultural access programs, gave an educational presentation to the San Juan County Council. Throughout the year and into 2024, the Council directed Parks and Fair Director Brandon Andrews to explore the feasibility of setting up and administering a Cultural Access program. The County conducted conversations with local school districts, museums, theatres, and county nonprofits to understand if there was interest in and support for this program. After learning of local support for a Cultural Access Program, during the November 12, 2024 Council meeting, the San Juan County Council decided to set a public hearing to move the process forward.
The public hearing was set for December 10, 2024. This hearing will discuss the establishment of a Cultural Access program in San Juan County. If passed, this would be the first program in a rural area of Washington State.
How to participate:
- Written comments may be submitted in advance of the hearing by mail, email, or at the hearing, or by delivery in-person. Mail can be sent to 350 Court Street #1, Friday Harbor, WA 98250; email to councilpc@sanjuancountywa.gov.
- You can attend the Council meeting in-person. You may speak in-person and sign-ups will be available in the room. The meeting will be held in the Council Hearing Room at 55 Second Street, Friday Harbor, WA.
- You can also call-in to make a comment. To call-in and sign-up for Public Comment, visit: https://www.sanjuancountywa.
gov/1879/Public-Comment-Signup . After signing up, call in at 9:00am to join meeting via telephone: +1 360-726-3293 Phone Conference ID: 630 068 600# - If you are watching or listening to the Council livestream, please turn it off when calling in for Public Comment.
- You can access the livestream here: https://sanjuancowa.portal.
- If you forget to sign up – no worries! Just make yourself known when the Council Chair asks for any additional comments.
Note: The Council wants to hear your ideas or concerns. To ensure equal opportunity for the public to comment, comments may be limited in length. Each person may address the Council one time during the public comment period.
To learn more about the program proposal, how funds will be spent, and more, visit the County’s website: https://www.sanjuancountywa.
Questions? Contact Parks and Fair Director Brandon Andrews at brandona@sanjuancountywa.gov or 360-370-7452
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How politically tone deaf can SJC county admin be? The US citizenry has clearly said NO to regressive new taxes and regulations, especially ones that are intended for some vague, amorphous “cultural access” purpose!
I can think of MANY much more critical uses for $800,000 of OUR MONEY than a discretionary slush fund for administrators to hand out to political allies; like leaving it in our pockets! Trying to sneak in a regressive sales tax in a lame duck political session is the height of irresponsibility and hubris. Shame on you for even considering it.
NO NEW TAXES!! Is that a clear enough statement for the lame duck councilors to understand?
It would be helpful to have some concrete examples of what is meant by “cultural access.” Before the pandemic a group of Orcas Islanders (including Yours Truly) organized a successful lecture series called “Orcas Currents” on diverse subjects in science, technology and culture. Would that qualify for support? We did so on our own, taking small donations at the door and larger contributions from a select group of well-heeled islanders. But it seemed we were always scraping by.
We are unclear about what this tax does or if it’s necessary but we are very clear that the lame duck County Council should not add this or any other tax that is not on the ballot for voters to approve or reject. If the new Council thinks this would be an appropriate addition to our community, tell us why and follow the democratic process allowing voters to decide.
“councilmanicly pass the proposed ordinance” ????
Does this mean the public has no vote, i.e. after staff time, effort and tax money to “explore” followed by pro forma “public comment” – fait accompli?