— from Colin Maycock, Senior Planner, San Juan County —

The San Juan County Council is continuing their review of draft Shoreline Master Plan (SMP) documents on Monday October 12 in the Legislative Hearing Room, Friday Harbor, WA. The meeting will be streamed live on the County’s website.

This will be a workshop session to provide staff with direction to complete a final public hearing draft of the SMP ordinance.

The draft ordinance can be found at: https://www.sanjuanco.com/CDP/docs/SMP/2015-10-08_DCD__Maycock_ORD_Repeal.pdf

A staff report addressing Council’s questions from the August sessions can found at: https://www.sanjuanco.com/CDP/docs/SMP/2015-10-08_DCD_Maycock_Staff_Report_CC_questions_and_alternatives_signed_.pdf

An ordinance section guide for the staff draft of October 8, 2015 can be found here: https://www.sanjuanco.com/CDP/docs/SMP/2015-10-07_DCD_Maycock__Ord-Section_List.pdf

The Council requested more information regarding the proposed changes to the shoreline designations and position relative to shoreline critical areas. A map book has been prepared and is available here: https://www.sanjuanco.com/CDP/docs/SMP/2015-10-02_GIS_Peihl_Proposed_Shoreline_Designation_Mapbook.pdf