The San Juan County Council will start a special meeting at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, May 22. The Special Meeting agenda call for items from the county administrator regarding

  • Parking Code Amendments (2nd touch) – Rachel Dietzman, County Engineer; Jon Cain, Civil Deputy Prosecuting Attorney
  • Water Resources Management Committee (WRMC) Report – Vicki Heater, Drinking Water Program
  • Solid Waste Excise Tax (2nd touch) – Ed Hale, Utilities Manager

At 10 a.m. the regular meeting will begin. Public hearings are scheduled to begin at 10:15 a.m. :

  • To Amend Solid Waste Level of Service Ordinance 2-2012 – Frank Mulcahy, Director Public Works
  • To Consider a Broadband/Emergency Services/Wireless – Randall Gaylord, Prosecuting  Attorney
  • To Consider County Code 18.30 Updates – Lee McEnery, Planner III

Videoconferencing will be available at the Orcas Public Library from 9 a.m. to noon, and at the Lopez Public Library from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Following a lunch recess, the public hearings will continue, if needed, at 1 a.m. At 3:15 p.m. a discussion regarding the Lopez Solid Waste Disposal District Formation (LSWDD) and  San Juan County Solid Waste Disposal District (SJCSWDD) Modification (1st touch) will be presented – Randall Gaylord, Prosecuting Attorney

At 3:45 p.m. Council members will give updates as follows:

  • Legislative Priorities: Pratt
  • Ferries/FAC/Intermodal:  Rosenfeld
  • Budget Subcommittee:   Fralick
  • General Government Subcommittee:  Peterson
  • Solid Waste Subcommittee: Miller
  • Additional Updates & Discussion Items