Monday, Jan. 25, from 9 a.m. to noon at Council Chambers in Friday Harbor

PUBLIC HEARING (continued from January 20): Shoreline Regulations: Sections 29 through 48 – Shoreline Modifications, Overwater Structures, Boating Facilities, Shoreline Stabilization; Sections 49 through 66 – Shoreline Uses, Shoreline Use and Modification tables; Section 67 through 79 – Definitions, Density, Dimension and Open Space – Erika Shook, Director Community Development; Linda Kuller, Planning Manager; Colin Maycock, Senior Planner

Tuesday, Jan. 26, from 9 a.m. to recess, 2:30 p.m. approximate adjourn time

RECOGNITION: Senior Engineer Guard Sundstrom, retiring after almost 25 years of service to San Juan County; Promotion of Senior Project Engineer Colin Huntemer to Assistant County Engineer


DISCUSSION: Grant Report – Wendy Dowhower, Grants Administrator

ACTION: Update on Marine & Nearshore Incentives Grant and Additional Funding Possibility – Sam Gibboney, Deputy Director Public Works; Susan Key, Shoreline Stewardship Coordinator

DISCUSSION: Parks, Trails & Natural Areas Plan – Dona Wuthnow, Director Parks & Fair

PUBLIC HEARING (continued from January 25): Shoreline Regulations: Sections 29 through 48 – Shoreline Modifications, Overwater Structures, Boating Facilities, Shoreline Stabilization; Sections 49 through 66 – Shoreline Uses, Shoreline Use and Modification tables; Section 67 through 79 – Definitions, Density, Dimension and Open Space – Erika Shook, Director Community Development; Linda Kuller, Planning Manager; Colin Maycock, Senior Planner

Manager Update: Mike Thomas, County Manager
Council Clerk Update: Ingrid Gabriel, Clerk
a. Review Agendas & Council Calendar Items
b. Advisory Committee Appointments/ Reappointments:
• Appointment of Dale Roundy, Pete Moe and Richard Grout to the Planning Commission
RECESS (time approximate)
ADJOURN (time approximate)