The morning session of the County Council meeting for Tuesday, June 4,  beginning at 9 a.m. in the Council Chambers in Friday Harbor, calls for:

  • Discussion of the Mt. Vernon-Burlington I-5 Bridge Response & Impact – Rick Hughes, Council Vice Chair; Brendan Cowan, Director Emergency Management; Deborah Hopkins-Hobbs, San Juan Visitors Bureau; Victoria Compton, Executive Director Economic Development Council (EDC)
  • Discussion and possible action regarding the Public Safety Boat & Homeland Security Grant – Rob Nou, County Sheriff
  • An Executive Session, to which the public is not allowed, to consider the acquisition of real estate by lease or purchase pursuant to RCW 42.30.110 (1)(c) – Frank Mulcahy, Director Public Works; Ed Hale, Utility Manager
  • Discussion and action on a Solid Waste Update – Frank Mulcahy, Director Public Works; Sam Gibboney, Solid Waste Program Administrator, regarding:
    • Orcas Recycling Services (ORS) Agreement (Update)
    • Lopez Solid Waste Disposal District (LSWDD) Interlocal Agreement (Approve)
  • Action regarding the County Road Administration Board (CRAB) Grant – Rachel Dietzman, County Engineer
  • Action regarding Odlin Park Update & Request for Bids – Dona Wuthnow, Director Parks & Fair

Following the lunch recess, the Council will then discuss the 2014 Budget Guidelines – Bob Jean, Interim County Manager.

They will also have a closed session to discuss matters pertaining to collective bargaining pursuant to RCW 42.30.140(4)(b) – Pamela Morais, Human Resources Manager; and an Executive Session to evaluate the performance of public employees pursuant to RCW 42.30.110 (1)(g) – – Pamela Morais, Human Resources Manager.

The council is scheduled to act on the County Manager Employment Agreement & Draft Resolution – Pamela Morais, Human Resources Manager, and then to give updates, follwed by the County Manager and Clerk Updates. County Interim Manager Bob Jean will give a Council Retreat Follow-Up, and present the Transition Action Plan,

Public access time is scheduled in the 9 to 9:15 a.m. slot. The agenda is subject to change before tomorrow’s meeting.