— from B.J. Guillot —

Marc Hennemann, Republican candidate for Congress in the Second District, has released the following statement concerning [Thursday] night’s terrorist murders of police officers in Dallas:

“I am deeply shocked and saddened by the terrorist attack on police officers in Dallas last night. My thoughts and prayers and those of my family are with the victims of this heinous crime and their families and loved ones.

“Once again, for the second time in less than a month, terror has struck the United States. This time it doesn’t appear to be influenced by the scum of ISIS. This time it seems to be the work of a single demented individual driven by racial hatred to murder five police officers. Were his actions in response to the deaths of two black men shot by police officers in Baton Rouge and Minneapolis? He apparently claims they were. Is this a legitimate excuse to murder police officers? No, it is not. There is no excuse for the murder of police officers, or black men, or anyone else.

“Once again, as in Orlando just under one month ago, President Obama and Attorney General Lynch have politicized this brutal massacre by linking it to gun control while the bodies of the slain are still warm and some could yet die from their wounds, while their loved ones mourn their dead and give thanks for their living, while the blood still flows from the hospitalized. This is not a time for making political points. It is a time for all Americans, no matter their race, religion, ethnic background or sexual orientation to unite in mourning for the victims in Dallas and in firm opposition to the terrorists, either foreign or domestic, who would destroy our cherished way of life.”