Isabella gives Susan Osborn pictures that she drew for the people of Japan at her concert Sunday at the Orcas Island Community Church

Through story and song, Susan Osborn evoked compassion and love for the people of Japan at a community concert [intlink id=”11702″ type=”post”]”Songs of Japan”[/intlink] last Sunday.

Susan has made over 50 trips to the village of Sendai in the last 21 years. Donations from the event are going directly to the mayor of Sendai.

It’s not too late to donate. Checks  may be written to OICC Helping Hands Japan Relief Fund. They can also be sent to PO Box 205, Eastsound, WA 98245. For more information contact Monique Turner at 376-6422, or

Contact Susan directly through her email, if you would like to know more about her concerts to help Japan.

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