Wednesday, Jan. 28, 7-9 p.m. at the Eastsound Fire Hall

— from Beth Jenson —

The third meeting of “Let’s Talk: Reducing Teen Drug Use on Orcas” is happening on Wednesday, January 28th, 7-9pm at the Eastsound Firehall. Come and add your voice and opinions about what really matters in keeping our kids safer from developing addictions, overdosing, and drug and alcohol related accidents.

We strive to raise awareness of what teens consider “normal” in drug use here on Orcas Island, to figure out ways to delay first-time-use of illegal substances in Orcas kids, and reduce the intensity, frequency, and overall harm in teen drug use.

All community voices are welcome to join in defining healthy norms around teen drug and alcohol use here on Orcas and in assisting in a respectful community brainstorm in prevention and harm reduction strategies.

Teens are welcome to join our discussion, too – your voices are important!