— by Margie Doyle —

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More than 200 islanders marched on Saturday afternoon, carrying signs urging changes to current gun safety laws. They proceeded from the Village Green on a route that took them through the streets of Eastsound before returning to the Green.

Amy Viera from the County prosecutor’s office spoke of its efforts to protect our citizens from gun violence.

State Senator Kevin Ranker then spoke of his frustration that the only legislative action taken this last session was the ban on bumpstocks. He condemned the tax loophole that allows for tax-free ammunition purchases. He repeatedly urged the crowd to vote legislators out of office who do not respond to demands for gun safety laws. He further encouraged people to become active in Washington state to become active in political campaigns such as voter registration, candidate election, and other grassroots campaigns. “Thank god children are leading the way,” he added.

The locals march was organized by Leslie Hutchinson, Liane Olsan, and Julia Turney in solidarity with marches throughout the country, inspired by student leadership at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.

The nation day of action is focused on calling for lawmakers to make students’ lives and safety a priority and to pass common-sense gun safety legislation.