— from San Juan County Communications —

If you were unable to attend the Comprehensive Plan update community workshops in September and October, please take the online survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/B7MPCCX

The survey will be available through November 30, 2018.

We conducted polling during the San Juan County Comprehensive Plan update community workshops.  These questions were conceived out of previous public outreach and public comments and were designed to help staff develop preliminary proposals to update goals and policies.  The Comprehensive Plan update will guide San Juan County through 2036.

During the workshop, these questions were used to begin a conversation around the topics that were identified as important to residents.  Workshop participants also provided specific comments during small group map exercises.  That portion of the workshop is not available online.  The results of the community workshops will be available on the County website here: https://www.sanjuanco.com/1306/Comprehensive-Plan-Elements

If you would like to provide additional comments, please send them to compplancomments@sanjuanco.com 

Additional information about the Comprehensive Plan update can be found here: https://www.sanjuanco.com/1079/Comprehensive-Plan-Update

Sign up to get notifications about the Comprehensive Plan update here: https://www.sanjuanco.com/list.aspx

The current Comprehensive Plan is available on the San Juan County website here: https://www.sanjuanco.com/510/Comprehensive-Plan