From Orcas Fire and Rescue Chief Kevin O’Brien

On Tuesday, August 7th the San Juan County Council unanimously approved the San Juan County Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP).

The CWPP addresses wildland fire risk in San Juan County and identifies strategic sites and methods for fire mitigation projects. Benefits of having a CWPP include National Fire Plan funding priority and maps that document fuels, topography and other relevant data. In addition, many grants tied to wildland firefighting are often contingent upon a having a CWPP.

CWPP development for San Juan County began in January of 2011 with the formation of the planning committee chaired by now retired Orcas Island Fire and Rescue Chief Mike Harris. Through a grant provided by the Bureau of Land Management, Northwest Management, Inc. of Moscow, Idaho was selected to assist the steering committee by facilitating meetings, leading the assessments, and authoring the document.

The goals of the planning process included integration with the National Fire Plan, the Healthy Forests Restoration Act, and the Disaster Mitigation Act. The plan utilizes the combined expertise from all partners as well as local and regional knowledge about wildfire risks and fire behavior while meeting the needs of local citizens and recognizing the significance wildfire can have to the regional economy.

The process of developing the CWPP proved to be one of its greatest benefits as it brought together multiple wildfire stakeholders in San Juan County who through analyses, dialogue, and professional collaboration focused on reducing wildfire threats to people, structures, infrastructure and unique ecosystems in San Juan County. Agencies and organizations that participated in the planning process included:

• Private land owners
• San Juan Island Fire & Rescue
• Lopez Island Fire & EMS
• Orcas Island Fire & Rescue
• San Juan County Department of Emergency Management
• San Juan County Fire Marshal
• San Juan County Land Bank
• San Juan Preservation Trust
• San Juan Islands Conservation District
• Town of Friday Harbor
• San Juan County Firewise Communities USA
• San Juan County Noxious Weed Program
• Washington Department of Natural Resources
• Bureau of Land Management
• National Park Service
• U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

The CWPP committee would like to thank the many community members and the San Juan County Council for their support.

For questions regarding the CWPP please contact OIFR Chief Kevin O’Brien at or by phone at (360) 376-2331.

Click the following link to view an online version of the CWPP: CWPP/edit