From the Orcas Island Community Foundation
Updated July 24 at 3 p.m.

The Orcas Island Community Foundation (OICF) has authorized a grant of $10,000 from its Board discretionary fund to the Orcas Island School District (OISD). These funds will be pooled with pledges and contributions to the Education Initiative to be used by the district to bridge the gap between state funding and student need. Healthy schools are key to maintaining a healthy community.

This is the second year of the four year Education Initiative, which is a collaborative program between the Orcas Island Education Foundation and the Community Foundation.  Last year, thanks to the generous contributions of friends and neighbors, the Initiative donated $143,563 to the District.  Funds contributed to the Education Initiative are identified and committed to specific programs, and are tracked by OICF and OIEF throughout the year. In the 2008-09 school year, these funds supported eleven classes from elementary grades through high school, including music, marine sciences, Spanish, literature, and woodshop.

In addition to offering financial support, the Education Initiative sought to reinstate community confidence in the school business office and budgetary process by insisting on accountability, very specific reporting and transparency.  The School Board and Administration have lobbied at the state level to seek additional funding. OISD officials have met with local government representatives and have spoken at several state-level committee meetings during the last legislative session. While  attempts to raise the levy lid have been unsuccessful so far, they were able to gain the release of transportation reserve funds for general education.  These funds would have otherwise been unused and unavailable.

The District is working hard to secure more state funding.  However, Washington is facing an economic crisis and has been unable to sustain monetary support for education.  Some federal stimulus funding will reach Orcas, but likely will not be enough to cover the decrease in monies from the state.  So far in 2009, the Education Initiative has received commitments of $89,250.  The need remains great at the District for the coming school year.  If you would like to make or renew your pledge to the Education Initiative, please contact Hilary Canty, executive director of OICF, 376-6423, or Michelle Reed, president of OIEF, 376-8815.

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