— from Kate Long —

The Orcas Island Community Foundation (OICF) is now accepting applications for the 2017 competitive grants program. In 2016 over $2 million was distributed through OICF—$202,700 in the annual grants process. We consider annual grants to be an opportunity to showcase programs and enhance awareness of the important work nonprofits do to make Orcas Island a healthy, vibrant community. OICF Trustee Coleen O’Brien will chair the committee, whose members include both Trustees and community members.

While all grant applications will be considered, OICF will evaluate proposals based the criteria below:

  • Does the proposal address a specific need?
  • What is the likelihood for success of the proposal?
  • Is there duplication of services offered on Orcas for this service/request?
  • Does the proposal serve a large number of islanders?

Organizations are encouraged to contact OICF to discuss grant ideas prior to submitting proposals; applications are available at www.oicf.us.

The Committee reviews all proposals and conducts site visits to learn more about each proposal. The committee then convenes and prioritizes proposals and makes funding recommendations to the OICF Board. Grant funds will be distributed to successful applicants at the Grants Award Celebration in late May, 2017.

Please contact Kate Long or Hilary Canty at OICF (376-6423) or e-mail info@oicf.us with questions.