Wednesday, Dec. 7 from 5-7 p.m. at Emmanuel Episcopal Parish Hall

From the Orcas Island Community Foundation (OICF)

In the past year OICF undertook a Community Needs Assessment, publishing a report in September (copies are at the OICF office, 141 Prune Alley, or online at  The next step for the Community Foundation was identifying the greatest needs and working to address them.

Many important issues and areas of great need are apparent, but the one that consistently rose to the surface was greater access to medical, mental and dental health services. Recent announcements about cuts in state funding for health care programs indicate that this area will become even more urgent.

In response, OICF has designated this area for a new multi-year Focused Area Investment Program.  The OICF board hopes that by mobilizing donors, nonprofits, and service providers around this area, they can ‘move the dial’ significantly.

The Focus Area Investment Team, with both Board and community members, will help guide implementation of this effort. There will be an open community meeting on Wednesday, December 7th from 5-7 p.m. at the Parish Hall of Emmanuel Episcopal.  This meeting will help in identifying solutions to address health care needs in our community.

Information gathered will be used by OICF in developing a request for proposals (RFP) and a process for applying for grant funding later this winter.  If you would like to attend the meeting, please RSVP to OICF at 376-6423.