Contributed by Marta Nielson,
Director, Orcas Island Prevention Partnership

What are the personal and professional affects of trauma?  Does it affect our ability to learn, make social connections, try new experiences?  How can members of the community form partnerships with school and families?  Can we as a community come together and help form a community climate of safety, connection and assurance?

Join us at the next Community Forum, Sunday, November 15th at the Senior Center, 5- 7:30 pm.  Starting with a Pizza, Salad and Dessert buffet (donations gladly accepted), the night will include music and a talk from Ron Hertel, a co-author of the new book, “The Heart of Learning and Teaching- compassion, resiliency and academic success”. Afterward a community forum, where people can ask questions, get answers, bring up concerns, make connections and share insights will be facilitated by Hertel and Michael Mele.

Ron comes from a background of social work and is currently the Program Supervisor for Washington State’s “Readiness to Learn” program, found in about 1/3 of Washington Schools.  This is a unique program that links community resources to provide support for students and families affected by adversities and trauma.  He is a key player in developing “The Compassionate Schools Initiative” here in Washington State.

Much of the research for the book comes from the broader mental health field of ACES (Adverse Childhood Experiences) and can be an eye opener, not only for educators, but for parents, grand parents, counselors….any one working with or involved in the lives of  children.  The insights, however, are not just for children.

Mental-wellness coordination and compassionate intervention is important in all interactive relationships.  It is important to know how to recognize and respond to trauma, understanding the negative impact of stress and trauma on human development, actions and both physical and mental growth – no matter what the age. Anyone who has struggled with any sort of trauma may be able to find help in their own healing process.

Everyone is invited to join us for this next, great Community Forum.  Childcare and Spanish translation will also be available.